The Sound Weaver

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Musical Humans,

I hope you are all being kind to yourself in these uncertain times.

After pondering my options and feeling into what is right for me now. I have decided to take some more time off teaching, to re-evaluate how I am going to navigate these new days and organise what needs to happen to make online classes effective and accessible for everyone.

This unseen virus is calling us to change our ways, and I am trying to listen to this and let all unfold easefully. Unfortunately, I don’t feel we will be meeting face to face for at least six months. I believe around September things will begin to re-establish themselves, and we will be able to meet again.

With online music and singing, there are latency issues that happen on all available online platforms at this time. I know the technology is going to get better in the future and I am working out the best possible options for all of us! Private classes will move online, but all group classes are very hard to do well online and are cancelled until further notice.


Term 2 private classes are supposed to begin on Tuesday 14th April; all Private Students would have received an email regarding Term 2 lessons. If you did not receive this email, please message me, and I will send it to you. I will not be taking on any new students until July 2020.


Term 2 & 3 Sound Weaving, Song & Sound and Breath of Life workshops are cancelled. I am hoping that in Term 4, I will be able to offer face to face gatherings once again. When I know what is happening, I will post dates.

The weekly Chanting & Mantra circles are cancelled until September.


The Mid-Year Soirée 2020 is cancelled.

I love seeing you all and miss singing and making music with everyone; there is a big hole in my life, and I hope we will go back to face to face musical fun times soon!

The skies seem bluer these days, the birds happier and the air more alive. May we move through this time of transition with the grace and simpleness that nature shows us. May we go from producing and doing to allow ourselves to be simple, wild and free once again! Let your voice hum and be one with all that is.

I am here if you need anything.

May we remember the way home is inside us, just listen!

In Love and Song,
The Sound Weaver