I’ve enjoyed practising breathing with my tummy, and a question came up! Do you only breathe like this when singing, or has it become integrated into your life?
I’m noticing that after I practice my body doesn’t know when to stop breathing like this. When I’m doing other things, I feel a funny little flip into diaphragm breathing.
The breath practice that I shared with you is the natural way the body is designed and wants to breathe. We could call it diaphragmatic breathing. In this modern, fast-paced western society, we are taught from a young age to hold the belly, to have a tight, taut, flat stomach. For the natural breathing process to occur, the abdomen must be allowed to soften. When softness is present, the diaphragm can descend fully and massage the digestive organs, stimulating the body’s parasympathetic arousal. A state of rest, digestion and relaxation will begin to occur, supporting the breathing one to become calm and function at its optimal capacity. The anchoring and receptivity of the breath in the body allows us to feel safe in our skin. Therefore, the voice can be released freely without fear. This way of breathing is how I breathe in every moment of every day!
Feeling the flipping of the breathing pattern is a good sign. It tells me that there is consciousness where there wasn’t before (as it was new to feel your belly and breathe like this). It means that the body is reprogramming itself to its natural state. When you are meditating and doing your work. The softening the belly and allowing the breath to be low in the body will provide you with much inspiration, calmness and a new way of receiving and experiencing life.
If you are interested in learning this breath practice, I warmly invite you to join me on Saturday 18th May, 3.00 PM - 6.00 PM for the Breath of Life workshop.
For more information and booking details, please click here.
In love and sound,
The Sound Weaver